PSC has been accumulated over a long period of time in manufacture& R&D of parts for automotive and has already been recognized by our customers savvy watch fakeget redirected here. We are manufacturing highly reliable & quality products.
Be the most reliable partner of Customers, Employee an Stockholder.
As a representative distributor of electronic components .Powersonic contributes to the manufacture of key parts for Automobiiles,industrial,consumer appliance through supplying essential electronic parts to the 21st century.
Rectifier Diode, Zener Diode, TVS, Low Vf Schottky Diode.
Diode module, module, Low VF Schottky module.
Surface mount bridge rectifier,Three-phase bridge rectifier.
PressFit,TVS,ESD, LLD diode,Zener diode.
We have partner relationships with domestic automobile related service companies and seek for new business opportunity consistently.